After some thinking and talking, we've decided that we want to change direction a little. We've really enjoyed a whole year of "A Tranquil Heart", but we feel we want to move towards a blog that has a cosier, more lighthearted feel. I won't be posting quite so frequently, but there will be lots of recipes, crafts, photographs, book reviews and more, all with a simple, homespun theme. It's a bit of a change of direction which we hope will reflect the lives we lead, and also what matters most to us - our family and home. We've made this decision in the wake of a few "real life" changes - my health preventing me from being able to be quite as busy as I'd like just now, a birthday, and a return to the Church of our childhoods which has taken our faiths in a new but very familiar direction which we are all really enjoying. It's all good - my aches and pains aside, though in a way, it's just my body telling me to slow down, which is no bad thing - but we felt we'd like to make a new start with the blog too, to mark the beginning of a new way of doing things at home.
We hope you'll want to visit us there, so we'll be posting the details of the new blog once it's ready for readers!
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