Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Blackbird's Song

File:Turdus merula1843.jpg

Source for this image here.

How lovely to hear the blackbirds again!  While the weather was so bad, there was barely any birdsong outside our home, despite all the trees that they must have had to shelter in.  Today, the air is warmer, everywhere the snow is melting, and the wee garden birds seem to know that spring is on its way.  I love to hear the blackbirds especially - to me, they remind me more than any bird of the early spring evenings, just as the days begin to get a little longer.
The blackbird's song it takes me far away
To northern Land and to a distant day
His kin birds sang all day until sundown
In leafy groves just out of Millstreet Town.

A blackbird piping on a blackwood tree
Awake the nostalgic memories in me
Again I walk the lush green fields in Spring
And hear the wild birds on the hedgerows sing.

Bluebells bloom by the hedge by the bohreen
And cock pheasant often heard though seldom seen
In the knee high rushes clap his wings and crow
By their calls and songs the birds you get to know.

The distance from the home fields may be long
But whenever the migrant hear the blackbird's song
He or she will see the lushness brought by rain
And walk through fields where wild flowers bloom again.

To it the blackbird's song has a nostalgic ring
It takes the migrant to a distant Spring
And though far distant the Homeland near 'twould seem
And the dipper's song is echoing in the stream.

I thought this thing nostalgia I'd outgrown
But the blackbird's song it carries me back home
And I walk the high fields where I walked before
Up to the hill through the wood at Claramore 

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