Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Tuesday's Time To

Finally we have some summer weather!  Well, almost ... it is a little warmer than it has been just recently.  Today I have been busy with lots of different chores and errands, so Tuesday's time to is all about the things I've been doing ...

A time to plant ... 
I have a wee houseplant that Little and Cubby Bear gave me for Mother's Day.  It needed some attention so today I pruned it and dusted the leaves with milk (this makes them shine) and I was delighted to see small pink flower buds growing on it!  Hopefully that means we will have a second flowering - it was so pretty when I got it, back in March.

A time to heal ... 
My arthritis pain has been a lot better the last few days - probably because we've had nicer weather.  I'm very relieved though - it has meant that my chores have been much easier to carry out today.  I thank God for healing my aches and pains so that I can keep busy!

A time to laugh ...
While I tidied the living room this morning, I laughed at the antics of our funny birds.  Each time one of them moves to a different part of the cage, or starts playing with a toy, or eating, the others all copy him.  It is like "follow-my-leader", birdie style, and it is so funny to watch.

A time to embrace ...
In fact another thing that made me laugh was Cubby Bear asking me if I thought fish (we have a big goldfish) minded that they can't be touched.  It must be a lonely life, he said, if you can't ever be hugged!  I had to say I didn't think the fish looked as if he was all that bothered, but either way, it would be very difficult to know!

A time to keep ...
I certainly kept busy today!  Sitting down to eat my dinner was the only time I really had to rest my feet - but I don't mind!  I know that Papa Bear and the cubs have been busy too, so I like to feel that I've made my contribution as well.  Keeping busy is definitely the best way to serve my family.

A time to sew ...
I finished sewing my new sweater that I have knitted!  I am so pleased with it!  I shall share with you what it looks like now it is done, in tomorrow's Wednesday's Workbox.

A time to speak ...
I've not had much time to speak today!   But I did sing to myself whilse I was doing my chores.  The birds semeed to enjoy it, anyways!

A time to love ...
Papa Bear took the last pieces of the caramel apple cake that I baked him to work with him today.  He shared them with his workmates and this evening he told me that they all loved it!  They said it was the best cake he's brought to work with him yet!  And then they asked him if he'd see if I could make them another one, for next week - we shall have to see!  I'm glad they all enjoyed it though - it's nice to share our bounty, even if it is only a piece of home-baked cake.

A time of peace ...
It's so lovely to look around our small apartment after I have finished my chores.  When all is done and tidy and the tea is cooking, I can stand and look around peacefully at our sweet home, and feel so glad that we live here, safely together.  I thank God that He has given us our home, and everything in it, for me to take care of.