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Aren't the lyrics of this Victorian hymn, originally written in Norwegian, just beautiful? Almost like a prayer, as so many hymns are (or taken from passages of Scripture). I intend one day to write this out in calligraphy script and illustrate it myself, as I would like to have it framed and hung on the wall! It would also make a beautiful gift for a young couple on their wedding day (the tune to the hymn is rather somber to have it sung, at least, we thought so, for a wedding ceremony). But just to read and keep in my heart it is lovely.
O blessèd home where man and wife
Together lead a godly life
By deeds their faith confessing!
There many a happy day is spent,
There Jesus gladly will consent
To tarry with His blessing.
If they have given Him their heart,
The place of honor set apart
For Him each night and morrow,
Then He the storms of life will calm,
Will bring for every wound a balm,
And change to joy their sorrow.
And if their home be dark and drear,
The cruse be empty, hunger near,
All hope within them dying,
Let them despair not in distress;
Lo, Christ is there the bread to bless,
The fragments multiplying.
O Lord, we come before Thy face;
In every home bestow Thy grace
On children, father, mother,
Relieve their wants, their burdens ease,
Let them together dwell in peace
And love to one another.