Ohh! Papa Bear has organised a date night for us today! We are going to watch this film - Courageous - which has only just been released on DVD here in England. I'm very excited and really looking forwards to watching this, although I know that I'll probably need a box of tissues beside me - luckily I'll have Papa Bear to mop up my tears! The cubs are at a fellowship evening tonight so we shall have a few precious hours together alone which will be very special (we'll probably watch the film again together with them another time as a family - we have family film nights much more frequently than date nights!). Everyone knows how important it is to spend time together as a couple - but how often do we actually manage to do it? That being said, today has been a lovely day - the weather has been dreadful, almost continuous, very heavy rain, but after going to the supermarket as usual this morning, we've been all at home together getting things done, and in the afternoon Papa Bear listened to the football whilse I sat next to him and enjoyed reading through some of my favourite books and doing some knitting - a real treat. Best of all, Papa Bear's football team won, so he has been smiling ever sinse! Sometimes the simplest things bring the greatest pleasure - and you don't need to spend lots of money, to have a really lovely evening together!
It's nearly time to start watching our film now, so I'd better go and put the kettle on!