Living A Life Of Serenity And Contentment, In Devotion To My Saviour, Submission To My Headship, And Days Spent Joyfully In Peace And Simplicity
Thursday, 15 March 2012
A Beautiful Day
Source for this image here.
Spring has returned today! It has been so lovely all day long (apart from first thing this morning, when there was very thick fog). We've enjoyed a special day today. Papa Bear had a day off work, because we were having our boiler serviced, and praise the Lord, it was all done by 10.30, by which time the sun had come out, so we decided to make the most of it and go for a walk around the lake near our home.
It was beautiful! We saw so many different birds, all busy making nests (our own birds are also quite broody just now, but in past years when this has happened, it has always resulted in disappointment, because the father bird turns on the mother, just as the eggs are due to hatch, and we have to pull them from the nest box to prevent him injuring her. Maybe this year will be different though). There were lots of people sitting around the edge of the lake fishing. Papa Bear likes to go fishing with his best friend. In the winter they go sea-fishing, and when close season finishes they go freshwater fishing instead. In England you need a license for freshwater fishing. But he didn't do any fishing today! We walked all around the lake, which was so beautiful, glimmering and sparkling in the sun like a huge mirror, reflecting the blue sky above. There were lots of seagulls sitting on the water, but we didn't see any ducks. The sun shone, and we could see catkins and buds on the trees overhanging the water. There were bullrushes too and marsh marigolds. What was best of all, though, was the wonderful peacefulness of it all. All we could hear as we walked was birdsong and the soft stirring of dry leaves on the ground, where birds were hunting for twigs for their nests. As we went, we talked about lots of things. I've just finished reading a book by Bob and Emilie Barnes, "Simple Secrets Every Couple Should Know" which was very inspiring and informative, and have now begun another new book by Elizabeth George (another one of my favourite Christian authors), entitled "A Woman's Walk With God". I am sure I am going to enjoy it! We talked a bit about that, and fishing, and about our plans for the next few weeks, as there are several celebrations coming up that I need to plan for - St. Patrick's Day on Saturday, a football match AND Mother's Day on Sunday, closely followed by 3 birthdays and Easter in the middle of all that! So that will mean lots of exciting meals and menus to plan!
It was so good to be just the 2 of us, walking slowly along! It's days like this that you don't plan for, that are just as precious as the big celebrations like St. Valentine's Day and special anniversaries. Spontaneity is definitely necessary in a happy marriage - I don't need a book to tell me that! Talking is important too, and that's why Papa Bear and I cherish opportunities like today, just to be together, without anyone else, without spending any money. Just us, the trees, the birds, the sky, and our Father God.