Living A Life Of Serenity And Contentment, In Devotion To My Saviour, Submission To My Headship, And Days Spent Joyfully In Peace And Simplicity
Sunday, 12 February 2012
All To Jesus
Again we were not able to go to Church this week because of the snow and ice on the roads outside. Today was especially icy and cold as it had snowed again overnight, on top of ground that was wet, so it was frozen solid when we went outside this morning. Far too dangerous to drive or walk on. It has been a difficult time for us! But even though we have had to stay at home again, we had hearts full of praise and love for our Saviour today on this Sabbath Day.
We try to make sure that Sundays are a day of rest in our home. No housework is done except for the bare minimum (I am not going to leave the floors unswept, the dishes unwashed or the laundry piling up, for that would make me feel anxious, not rested!) and we try to spend time doing things together as a family. We also make plans for our week ahead.
This week in my Daily Treasures box I have on my list of to-do things in addition to the usual chore timetable ...
Make some marmalade. I need to get the jars first as we don't have any empty ones, but Grandmama Bear has lots.
Create some woven paper hearts to put small Valentine gifts in (we tend not to celebrate Valentine's day in the way that the commercial world would have us do. For us it is a time to be grateful for the love we have for each other, and our Saviour).
Bake our special Valentine meal, which will include heart shaped pizzas and a delicious chocolate fudge cake! This will be keeping me busy tomorrow - but I hope to post up the recipe if I have time.
Paint the small chair that is in our bathroom.
Do some filing of papers and receipts.
Wash the car.
Do some decluttering (I am the decluttering queen! Friends of ours tease me because I have been known to declutter things we do actually need to keep, and have then had to go out and buy a replacement - NOT a good idea!).
Finish some pieces of reading and research I have been working on for the blog.
Spend lots of time with my family!
What are your to-do things this week? Let's pray that we are fruitful in our labours for the week ahead, for the glory of our Father in Heaven and His son Christ Jesus.